Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ipods-March 1

I googled how to use an ipod and went to apple.com and found out all the information I needed to know there about ipods and how to use them. I am actually really happy we happy we have this as an assigment because I have been wanting an ipod for 2 years now and have not gotten one because I did not know how yo use it and I did not want to waste my money on somethin that I would not use. The website sumerized the basics of the use of an ipod it takes you fom the beginning of I just got an ipod what do I do? To next uploading music to it, adding and deleting songs and about uploading itunes to youe computer.
Now that I knpw that I can buy an ipod and the website can tell me step by step how to use it and set it up I really want one. Before this class I did not thinky about getting on the internet to find out simple things like this and it makes me want to learn more and see what is out there. Now I really really want an ipod.I know that Duke University has given all incoming of their students. They want to encourage technology use with their students. Professors incorporated it into their classroom and in assigments. Their wee problems with it though but it was with the devices themselves and the information that they could hold. I think that it would be cool to get one but I dont really see the need for it.

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